Tuesday, June 28, 2011

~ for the love of shoes ~

have a child that has
a serious addiction.
From the moment he
wakes in the morning -

to the moment he goes to sleep at night -

William's feet are sure to be adorned with some type of footwear.

He isn't particular.

He isn't choosy.

He definitely has his favorites...

but who doesn't?

Yesterday - I put him in my bed for his nap. It was a hot day so I just put him in there
with just a diaper on. He was quiet for about 20 minutes...

and then I heard a clack clack clack sound and I could see his shadow from
underneath the door.

I went to the door and instantly could SMELL the reason why he didn't quite make it into a nap...
peeee - u!

and I opened the door slowly and there he was with his stinky diaper wearing some of mama's
high heels.

My cousin, Anastasie, was here visiting and we just laughed and laughed ... and then gagged a little
because Man! did he stink. So no wonder he couldn't sleep.

Right now as I type this he is clunkin' around the house with his little shorts romper on with his boots.

The boy loves shoes.

1 comment:

Krista said...

I can't get mine to keep them on their feet. However, we did find some sparkly red one that they think are pretty cool


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