Monday, August 30, 2010


How is it that a wee babe can so freely trust you so much? Is it because they don't have any other choice - Is it because they know instinctively that mama and daddy loves them more than life itself and will do anything to make sure they are taken care of and tended to?

You know the trust I'm talking about - the trust where when you are holding a baby and they are lifeless in your arms - swept away to sleep. Completely. Out. Cold. They know that you are going to hold them and tend to them, put them in a nice warm bed with comfy soft blankeys.
The trust when you can take your little one and toss them in the air, and oh! the joy and excitement! Those sweet wonderful giggles as they are tossed up into the sky. They trust you. They trust you to catch them.

Here are some pictures of our youngest, Billy.
This weekend he found his new love. Sliding down the slide.

This was his first time going down the slide - this kid is not even 10 mo. old and he ADORES it so much! I would put him up at the top and he would crawl on his tummy just far enough till he knew he would be wabbling and then soon be just about to slide down then he would put his arms out straight and down he'd go! It. Was. Hilarius! He is so brave!
We loved watching him.
The trust he had with me, knowing that I would catch him at the bottom, the trust that both my boys have with me - just amazes me. I'm not sure that anyone trusts me as much as they do. It's humbling, it's breathtaking, it's life changing and it can be overwhelming.
How is it that we can't have this same unshakable trust in our Creator? We're human and these little ones will trust us day after day, after day. Even if we burn dinner, melt their sippy-cups in the dishwasher or throw-away their favorite stuffed-toy because it got mauled by Daphnie. Never fails. They keep on trusting.

My quest this week -
No flinching!


Privet and Holly said...

Just gorgeous,
all three of you!
Hope your week is
off to a wonderful
xx Suzanne

Misty said...

great post, girl!

Sandra said...

What an awesome post and it doesn't hurt that it was loaded with the most adorable kids :)

Hope you have a wonderful week :)


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