Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Very Melton Christmas and Happy New Year!

'Twas a beautiful Christmas in the Melton household,
Twinkly lights on the Christmas Tree - "Don't touch!" mama did scold.
The stockings were hung by mama with care,
Filled with surprises and sweet treats - "Don't peak - don't you dare!"
Granny, Grandad and Uncle Ben were nestled all snug in their beds,
While Pauly was dreaming and comfy in his new threads.
And daddy with his nose in a book,
Little mama observing, taking one last peering look,
Gifts graced the bottom of the tree all a scatter,
While snowflakes were falling outside - to the ground they did flatter,
A great feast was planned for tomorrow's big bash,
There will be pies, ham with yummy potatoes ala mash,
All woke Christmas morning with happy good cheer,
Beautiful gifts for all! So shed not a tear,
Time to call Mimi and Papa and thank them for all,
Sisters, Grandmas and Grandpas we made sure to call.
The next few days we waited and paced,
Finally the door bell rang to the back door we raced,
The Southards had arrived to help bring in the New Year,
We're so thankful to have our beautiful family here,
Playing games, taking pictures and staying up late,
laughing and crying and taking note of 2008.
Here comes the New Year - Can you believe it's '09?
Tacos for everyone! All night we shall dine!
God bless all that we love here and a far
We love you more than the moon and the counts of the star!

1 comment:

Phillips Family said...

Aahh, sounds like you had a great day! I hope you new year is filled with much happiness.


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