Wednesday, December 14, 2011

~ to the trees!! ~

e went as a family to go
pick out our Christmas
tree this year. We went
to our church tree lot, it
was so much fun!

Everyone was all bundles up
with fabulous hats,
 puffy coats
and cheerful smiles!
 Oh - and some of us had our
smiles on!! Lol!
 Any tree lot that has a warm cozy camp trailer
with Christmas Lights on it
and blaring Christmas Music
is definitely the right place to go! 

It smelt like Christmas goodness!
 We all walked up and down the little tree-aisles and
picked out our favorites.

The kids were running and dodging through the trees!

I have to admit I was dragging my feet to pick out one because it was
just too much fun just being there together.

I mean -
this is where the memories are made and I knew we were in the middle of a memory...
I was trying to savor it as much as I could...
you know, that precious moment of memorie-making-ness...

We finally got one picked out and I paid the lady
while Daddy loaded it up in the Buick.
 Even our little princess found one for her very own bedroom!
 We got it home and Daddy put it up for us...
the next day we decorated it.
I had little vintage red apples that my mom had given me that we used,
strings of wooden beads,
old straw-like snowflakes that were my first decorations I ever bought,

and I topped it with a pretty cross that my mom had also given me,
and I attached it to a bow that had some berries, greenery and pine cones.

These are the great little snowmen decorations that my Grandma Sally sent to my boys.
And this little nativity ornament was to Ben and I.

I love it!
Our little tree turned out really cute this year...
not quite what I had in mind originally as I had hoped to do something a little different with plaid and handmade little blackboards -
but there is always next year for that.
And I'm oh SO thankful for this sweet little tree chalked full of precious memories of little boys and dogs rearranging things for me.

It's glow at night is perfect.
What more could a girl ask for?

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