Thursday, June 2, 2011

this will have to do....

For today I am searching
all over this house for
my camera cord so I can
post some pics of our fun

weekend with my mom and dad.

So since I can't get to my pictures for a fabulous post full of exciting stories and pictures...

this will have to do.

Oh! Did you see my new header?


we are off to the Library in about an hour to
gather up some fun new books and
possibly attend a little story time,

I have a ton of laundry to do... I hate getting behind.
I know I have to do one load a day to keep up and some days... I just space it.
As if laundry doesn't exist at all.  I don't even think about it.  I'm. a. dork.

I also need to go to the Post Office and mail some schtuff...

finish off a pot of chicken stock that my husband started last night - he made it from the roasted chicken we ate from last night.... He makes it SO GOOD!

Clean, feed kids, chase kids and dogs, plan and plot a birthday present for our little Sweat Pea girlly,

and my favorite - I think it is going to rain!

I LOVE the Rain! The longer that heat can stay away the better - in my opinion!!!

It's going to be a good day.

Praying you have a great day too.

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