Tuesday, October 4, 2011

~ Paula Dunn ~

believe it was Eleanor Roosevelt
who said, "Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery, and today
is a gift; that’s why they call it
the present."

A few weeks back,

came to visit our church. 

The Time is Now
was the theme for the seminar and
it was as if God told her exactly what I needed to hear.

I am the type during church or a seminar who takes notes. Do you?
I go crazy!
Big time note-taker!
I also went to Court Reporting school for about a year so I have a pretty good strategy
for remembering thoughts and quotes that I want to write down and I'm
able to remember them and get them wrote down
even if the speaker is long gone onto the next topic.
Let's just say during Paula's seminar my pen was smokin'!
She shared with us inspirational stories that she coupled with thought-provoking points
and then she would back it all up with relevant scripture.

Ladies Seminars

One of the things that really hit home with me that she said was,

"Are you living each day with eternity in mind?"

because to tell the truth,

am not!

Paula encouraged us all to
start now!

Start NOW getting in the Word.

Be a light for God NOW.

She also reminded all of us how precious our time is
and we don't know how long we have - really...
So we need to live each day, each moment,
SECONDS even! so that we won't ever have that moment where we are
looking back and have that feeling that you wished you would of
did some things differently.

Time is a gift - we need to spend it wisely.

I really searched my heart during and after listening to Paula.
I know I hold back from doing things because of fear and laziness.

So there are some things I am really making an honest effort to change and do better.

One of them includes getting up and having quiet time and reading my Bible.

My days are just so much smoother if I do get up and do this... my quiet time is such a blessing!
Ladies Seminars

To go along with the theme of the seminar she was selling watches.
I've decided to order a watch and put it
my Christmas stocking *blush*
cuz that's how I roll... as y'all know it :)
But I'm having a bit of trouble on which one I want!
Her watches can be found here.
Corporate Events

She also has been gifted with an amazing singing voice and she
totally spoiled us with a full-on concert on the first night.

You can listen some of her singing on Youtube
and also buy her cds here.

It was a privilege and an honor
to have her visit us at
Bridgepoint Church.

is truly inspirational and
her spirit and devotion to God,
even more so!


Jackie said...

I lvoe this post, thanks for the links and the encouragment...I want a watch now!!!! and a CD...

love you to the moon

Cherie Wilson said...

sweet authentic words dear girl! Your posts are enocuraging and insightful! Keep doing what you are doing! living in the moment is really a beautiful thing if we can just do it. Drown out that chatter girlfriend. Have a marvelous Fall weekend, Brave Girl!. XO


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