The bedroom below kind of looks like something you would find upstairs at Grandma's House... Okay, Okay Grandma in the Hamptons but just the same... very put together, the ocean colors and crisp linens are delish, along with the white boards that goes up three quarters up the wall - Awesome!
photo by: Posh Living, LLC Beach House bedroom on Flickr
Now, this bed! Who couldn't fade away into the sweet dream land in it?! I adore the white wood plank walls and what about that door? I would love one or two of those doors in my house with the frosted glass... Yum!
photo by: Studio M Design on Flickr

I swear I was born on the wrong side of the U.S. I adore this house in East Hamptons... (who doesn't?) Can't you just imagine waking up to this view and drinking coffee out on the porch? Then later taking a nice walk along the beach collecting sea shells.
photo by:
Picture this... You and the one you love sitting here for hours.
photo by: Just Beachy What makes your heart smile?
that bed is so close to the bed I was telling you about at the red dresser sale! honestly... I am so sad i didn't get to buy it!
these are lovely. that kitchen is a dream! We just painted our house (inside) while Chris was off this week! I LOVE it... you should come see! :)
Misty! I so glad that you got to paint inside! I know you were wanting that! Good Deal! I do want to come see you! I'll be in touch!
Isn't it fun to plan and dream and stuff?
I can't wait for our house to be completed.
Maybe I'll take pictures of it and put it on my blog.
Dad worked hard on the water after church but we ran into a snag and will have to go without water till tomorrow night. We went down and got a shower at Casi and Macarti's.
Now your dad is relaxing, eating popcorn and watching "Heidi". What would I ever do without him?
To the moon,
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