Thursday, February 5, 2009

15 things...

This is a project that Casi read to me that she worked on yesterday when she was having a rough day... I thought it was very inspirational and I asked her if I could post it on my blog. Maybe it will remind you of a few things about why You are so fabulous!

15 Awesome Things about Me!!!
By: Casi Jean
  1. I have an awesome God who loves me!
  2. I have a Beautiful Daughter!
  3. I have a lot of natural talent.
  4. I can cook very well and I can think up a meal quick and with very little ingredients (my friends and family always ask me what they should make for dinner :)
  5. I can rope and goat tie Really Well!
  6. I have really nice hair, eye brows (now that I pluck ;), cheek bones, jaw line, lips, skin, and a really cute nose.
  7. I have, what we like to call, Honor scars from my baby girl that I wouldn't trade for the world.
  8. I have so many people who love me and want to see me grow and be blessed.
  9. I have a great mind, heart and soul, I love freely, and give grace in places where I have been given it freely from Christ.
  10. I forgive easily but may not trust that person for a long time or again in that situation.
  11. I love everyone and think that anger and hate is a WASTE of time!
  12. I also think frowns, scowls, and being negative is a WASTE of time!
  13. I think you should wake up every morning thanking God that you did.
  14. I think you should love with your whole heart and not hold back. (even if you get hurt)
  15. I think life is too short to be scared and to precious to be careless. (have to have a balance)

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