Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Easter 2008

Pauly was such a good boy our whole drive to Howe for Easter. We were very excited because we were also able to stop at Jodi and Brian's before they pulled out to their new home in Washington. Here is Aunt Jodi. Scary Huh! Those are actually Easter Eggs. We laughed and laughed because Birch and Pauly just didn't know quite what to think of it. Once we got to Mimi and Papa's, Pauly was able to put in a lot of time playing with one of his best girls Macarti Rae. She is such a little entertainer! Macarti was also dedicated to the Lord on Easter Sunday. We were so glad we were able to be there!How lucky Pauly was to get a tub time in Mimi's sink! Those were good times when you could get bathed in the sink. Remember that? I totally do - so much fun!

Then bad luck struck all of us and we all got seriously ill with the stomach flu! First it was Pauly then he gave it to EVERYONE! Luck was on our side a little because we were at Grandma Pattie and Grandpa Bill's when we were sick - now how bad can that really be :) Easter 2008 will always be remembered.

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