Monday, July 20, 2009

little tid bits

for dinner tonight - pan fried chicken breasts, steamed zucchini and yellow squash and baked potatoes with cheddar and sour cream

we're watching - The Bachelorette, The Men Tell All - She has two great guys to pick from Ed and Tristan (who was my first pick on the very first show but I've switched to Ed as being my pick for Jill) We'll see who she picks!

tonight - Ben worked late but got home earlier than I thought - nice surprise :)

the temperature - is too hot! Our house is not air conditioned so we spend a lot of our time down in our basement.

tomorrow - Paul and I will do a few house chores and in the afternoon he is going to spend the night with Granny and Grandad.

my next doctor's appointment - is Wednesday morning I'm excited to hear the baby's heart beat again. He is kicking around like crazy as we speak!

I miss - my family. My mom and dad's house should be done soon and I am so looking forward to a long weekend to spend with them and my sisters and their kids and just bummin' around and laughing till we pee our pants ... okay, okay till I pee my pants (why is it always me?)

I hear - my boy playing with his daddy laughing as they sharing a piece of cake, the window air conditioner humming, the dishwasher washing and the television blaring, Daphnie's collar jingling as she itches

I'm looking forward to - lunch with a long lost friend I haven't seen in 7 or 8 years ... kinda nervous but mostly excited!

I need to - make a organizing list and get hopping before this baby is born :)

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